News from the BPA

British ports welcome new Ports Good Governance Guidance

The UK Department for Transport have today published the new Ports Good Governance Guidance. The Guidance is focussed on corporate governance for all statutory harbour authorities in England and (currently until policy is devolved) Wales. It includes sections relevant to all types of statutory harbour authorities with specific detailed guidance for trusts ports and local authority owned ports.

The UK Department for Transport have today published the new Ports Good Governance Guidance. The Guidance is focussed on corporate governance for all statutory harbour authorities in England and (currently until policy is devolved) Wales. It includes sections relevant to all types of statutory harbour authorities with specific detailed guidance for trusts ports and local authority owned ports.

Responding to the release of the Guidance, Sara Walsh, Corporate Services Manager at the British Ports Association, said:

“We welcome the Department for Transport’s new approach to developing good governance guidelines that are applicable to all types or ports, whether it is a private, trust port or a local authority owned port. We were involved in the Department’s working group overseeing the development of the Guidance and have actively participated in the consultation process. The Guidance is not a statutory document and does not make any unworkable legal requirements on ports. It is important that the document remains advisory and the aim is that this final version proves to be useful for all type and size of organisations that own or manage harbour and port facilities. With a focus on openness, accountability and fitness for purpose, this Guidance will ultimately help to ensure ports around the UK balance the interests of their various port users and stakeholders.”

The Ports Good Governance Guidance document can be downloaded at:

The Ports Good Governance Guidance replaces the previous Modernising Trust Ports (2nd edition) and the 2006 Municipal Ports Review.