Portsmouth International Port received ERDF funds to optimise the use of existing infrastructure as a priority by removing what was seen as a bottleneck at the port.
Portsmouth International Port received ERDF funds to optimise the use of existing infrastructure as a priority by removing what was seen as a bottleneck at the port. In this case it was not just a bottleneck at the port but also a pain for the City of Portsmouth as thousands of vehicles everyday entered into the City of Portsmouth turned around and then headed out in order to enter the Naval Dockyard and what was then MMD (the operators of two traditional berths at the commercial port).
The top view shows the original end of the M275 as it became the A3 and entered Portsmouth. The second slide shows the planned ‘Trafalgar Gate Link Road’ and the third the present day view from Google maps. This improvement made in conjunction with the Port’s owners Portsmouth City Council and the MOD has saved nearly a mile in distance for every car and vehicle that has used the route since it opened. Not all conservancy projects are obvious. This has saved millions of miles and thousands of tonnes of CO2.