The Port’s Harbour Master and Environmental Manager are members of the Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation Relevant Authorities Group (SACRAG).
The Port’s Harbour Master and Environmental Manager are members of the Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation Relevant Authorities Group (SACRAG). The SACRAG is responsible for developing and progressing the SAC Management Scheme and meets regularly.
The Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation (SAC) designation is recognition that the area is one of the best in Europe for its marine wildlife. However, the area also includes one of the busiest ports in the UK, and is also important for fisheries as well as attracting high numbers of tourists and visitors. The local economy is heavily reliant upon tourism and recreation, as well as the commercial activities within the Milford Haven Waterway.
These interests, and the duty to look after the marine wildlife of the site, need to be looked at together; they cannot be considered in isolation. It is for this reason that all those with a responsibility for the area are involved in the site’s management.