The ‘Code of Safe Practice for the Embarkation and Disembarkation of Pilots’ has now been finalised and is available here.
The Code of Safe Practice for the Embarkation and Disembarkation of Pilots as now been finalised and is available below.
The transfer of a Pilot between pilot boat and ship presents significant risks that need to be carefully managed.
The Code is designed to assist Competent Harbour Authority’s and pilot organisations in providing the basis for establishing safe operating procedures for pilot boarding and landing operations, which should be derived by appropriate and thorough risk assessment. It is not definitive or a statutory document and is just a guide.
This 2017 revised edition of the Code of Safe Practice for the Embarkation and Disembarkation of Pilots is considered to be essential reading for all those involved in the Pilotage Service. This version of the Code has been prepared jointly by the British Ports Association, the UK Marine Pilots Association, the UK Harbour Master Association and the UK Major Ports Group.
A list of relevant documents is included at the back of the Code, along with further information on Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) which gives guidance on correct use and self checks to be carried out on lifejackets and pilot coats. The Code acts as a guide to safe practice to all those involved in the Pilot transfer operations. It not only covers the act of transfer from pilot boat to ship and vice versa, but also addresses issues such as the pilot boat itself, boarding and landing areas, training and use of PPE.