During a project to construct a deep water port, Envirocente worked with Stornoway Port Authority to ensure minimal impact on the natural marine environment. Impact piling works were scheduled over the winter months. This meant standard Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) protocols, which must be undertaken during periods of good visibility (i.e. during daylight and sea states of 3 or less), would have been difficult to incorporate into construction works without causing delays and/or short working days.
During a project to construct a deep water port, Envirocente worked with Stornoway Port Authority to ensure minimal impact on the natural marine environment. Impact piling works were scheduled over the winter months. This meant standard Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) protocols, which must be undertaken during periods of good visibility (i.e. during daylight and sea states of 3 or less), would have been difficult to incorporate into construction works without causing delays and/or short working days.
In an attempt to create a mitigation protocol that would both reduce the likelihood of delays to contractors and provide effective protection to marine mammals, EnviroCentre consulted with leading experts on marine mammals and produced a mitigation strategy involving Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs). ADDs provide a background noise that deters marine mammals from entering an area, without the need for visual observation, therefore can be deployed during hours of darkness and rough sea states.