The DfT have today published a consultation on the new draft Ports Good Governance Guidance. This guidance is focussed on corporate governance for all statutory harbour authorities in England and (until most policy responsibility is devolved in 2018) Wales.
The DfT have today published a consultation on the new draft Ports Good Governance Guidance. This guidance is focussed on corporate governance for all statutory harbour authorities in England and (until most policy responsibility is devolved in 2018) Wales. The document also includes sections relevant to all types of ports with specific detailed guidance on trusts ports and local authority owned ports, therefore replacing the previous Modernising Trust Ports (2nd edition) and the 2006 Municipal Ports Review.
The BPA has been involved in a working group with the DfT and hope that the final document will prove to be unprescriptive and indeed useful and to a wide range of ports. The consultation deadline is 22 October and the document ia available below. The BPA will be preparing a collective response on behalf of our members.