News from the BPA

Countering Invasive Species in Fowey

Invasive plants and animals from all over the world have been introduced, often accidentally, to British waters. Once established they become extremely difficult and expensive to eradicate, which is why it is so important to prevent their spread in the first place. In Fowey Harbour, they have been working with the team at RAPID LIFE, a three-year project (2017-2020) who are piloting innovative approaches to invasive non-native species management in freshwater aquatic, riparian and coastal environments across England.

Invasive plants and animals from all over the world have been introduced, often accidentally, to British waters. Once established they become extremely difficult and expensive to eradicate, which is why it is so important to prevent their spread in the first place. In Fowey Harbour, they have been working with the team at RAPID LIFE, a three-year project (2017-2020) who are piloting innovative approaches to invasive non-native species management in freshwater aquatic, riparian and coastal environments across England.

In collaboration, they recently hosted a workshop to look particularly at marine invasive non-native species, it was attended by people involved in water management as well as harbour users who have an interest in the spread of these species. They learned about the priority species, their current distribution and risk of introduction. Fowey Harbour help to stop their spread by encouraging harbour users to use the Check, Clean, Dry principle, as shown on the info graphic. If you want to know more about which species to look out for, visit