Coastal Shipping and British Ports Seminar
Please find below a list of presentation slides for the Coastal Shipping and British Ports Seminar, which was held on Thursday 29 November 2018.
To download the agenda please click here.
Session One: Coastal shipping – where we are now
Your typical coastal port – Shoreham
Rodney Lunn, Chief Executive, Shoreham Port
A market analysis of the current trends in UK coastal shipping
Stephen Taylor, Director, Port Centric Logistics Partners Ltd
Clive Kessell, Director, Coastal Wise Shipping and Logistics
South West coastal ports overview and a new liner service opportunity
Short sea shipping: your ports, our call
Lodewijk Wisse, Tax & Legal, Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners
Session Two: Grants and the regulatory environment
A DfT overview of Mode Shift Freight Grants and exploring the market opportunities for Coastal Shipping and Inland Waterways
Catharine Parton, Freight Grants Team & Liam Cox, Modal Connectivity Team, Department for Transport
Activities of Montrose Port Authority, plus coastal shipping and the Modal Shift Grant recently secured by the port
Nik Scott-Gray, Chief Executive, Montrose Port
Shipping perspective on environmental air emission strategies
David Balston, Director of Policy, UK Chamber of Shipping
Session Three: Business development and opportunities
Joining the dots: improving the connections between coastal shipping and the UK Supply Chain
Alex Veitch, Head of Global Policy, Freight Transport Association
What ports can do to maintain current users, and promote to potential new ones
Julius Deane, Wheat Director, Carr’s Flour Mills Ltd
Potential to use North Sea as an alternative network to road and rail, can save time, money and promote environmental sustainability
Nolan Gray, Business Development Director, Port of Tyne
Session Four: Future developments
An exploration of recent UK coastal shipping activity and potential drivers of future traffic
Peter Holland, Managing Director, Arkevista Ltd