It is important to remember that, in the seemingly unlikely event that this deal is agreed by Parliament, this is the beginning of a process, not the end of it. We have yet to negotiate more than the basic principles behind our future relationship with the EU and there remains much to be agreed, including fundamental questions around if and how goods are checked and handled at the border.
“It is important to remember that, in the seemingly unlikely event that this deal is agreed by Parliament, this is the beginning of a process, not the end of it. We have yet to negotiate more than the basic principles behind our future relationship with the EU and there remains much to be agreed, including fundamental questions around if and how goods are checked and handled at the border.
If the deal tonight falls, then we would encourage Government to urgently set out its plans for avoiding a disorderly withdrawal and the disruption this would bring at key gateways as there is now just a matter of weeks to mitigate the worst impacts of a ‘no deal’ scenario.
Whilst the British Ports Association takes no view on wider political machinations, we would at this stage urge politicians to work together in the interests of the country and be pragmatic in finding a way through this impasse.”
Quote attributable to Richard Ballantyne, Chief Executive of the British Ports Association