News from the BPA

Introduction to UK Ports: Course

We are delighted to launch a new one-day course: An Introduction to UK Ports.

This course is aimed at those in government, suppliers, and those joining the ports industry for the first time and will provide an overview of the industry and how it works.

We have a limited number of places for the first two dates, at the BPA office in central London.

  • Thursday 21 November 2024
  • Wednesday 11 December 2024

Places are £495 per person. BPA members and associate members are entitled to a 10% discount.

The course will be delivered by the BPA in partnership with Port Centric Logistics Partners. The day and pre- and post-course content will cover:

  • A basic introduction to different types of ships, cargoes and maritime activities
  • Port structures, ownership and governance in the UK and how it compares to ports around the world
  • Different parts of the port and the different roles of people and technology within a port
  • Port regulation, legislation, and governance
  • Port logistics & connectivity, including hinterland connectivity and logistics
  • Transhipment and global trade patterns and introduction to border processes
  • Industry developments and trends, including digitalisation and automation, decarbonisation and sustainability, trade and security

    Please register through Eventbrite.