BPA Chief Executive Richard Ballantyne today commented on the EU PSR implementation.
Following much debate the EU Port Services Regulation (PSR) finally came into force today.
EU member states will be required to implement the legislation within two years of this date meaning that the PSR will be effective from 24 March 2019.
The Regulation sets out a framework for port services covering mooring, towage, bunkering and waste as well as financial transparency arrangements for ports on the EU TEN-T Core and Comprehensive networks.
Commenting, the BPA Chief Executive Richard Ballantyne said:
“The Regulation will be effective in two years and this means the requirements are expected to be implemented into UK law before we leave the EU.
As the UK ports industry is predominately private and competitively managed the new rules are unnecessary and unwelcome.
The UK ports industry has consistently lobbied against the PSR and we are therefore hopeful that the UK requirements will be overturned after Brexit.
We are actively working with the UK Government to ensure the best post Brexit outcome for the ports industry.”