Shoreham Port is situated within a UNESCO World Biosphere Region on the South Coast of England and it is one of only fifteen ports in the UK to hold ‘Eco-Port’ status.
Shoreham Port is situated within a UNESCO World Biosphere Region on the South Coast of England and it is one of only fifteen ports in the UK to hold ‘Eco-Port’ status. The Port is a haven for wildlife, including rare vegetated shingle, insects and birds such as turnstones and swans. Blooms of Moon jellyfish can be spotted along the canal during the Port’s summer sustainability tours for local groups, hosted by Tony Parker, the Port’s Director for Infrastructure and Climate Change (the first role of its kind for a UK port).
Shoreham Port hopes to make a strong contribution to the Biosphere Partnership’s ambition by creating biodiversity corridors on port land for the entire two-mile length of the port. One, called Shoreham Arbor, follows the coast road to the landward side of the port and the other follows the seaward edge of the port long the shoreline. The biodiversity corridors will allow a wide range of plant, animal and bird species to move into the city and will contribute towards countering both greenhouse gas and air quality emissions.