Our Members


SCAPE is one of the UK’s leading public sector procurement authorities, dedicated to creating spaces, places and experiences that leave a sustainable legacy within the community. Owned by, and managed for, the benefit of the public sector, SCAPE provides time and cost-effective support throughout the design, development, and construction process.

Since 2006, SCAPE has supported over 12,000 projects across the UK with their compliant, competitively tendered frameworks. Working closely with 24 construction, civil engineering, consultancy and utilities partners, SCAPE has a buying power of £18bn and is currently performance managing over 1,800 live projects.

SCAPE is a contracting authority and centralised purchasing body that offers frameworks which comply with the Public Contracts Regulations and the Utilities Contracts Regulations for England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Its suite of consultancy, civil engineering, construction and utilities frameworks has achieved Gold Standard verification through Constructing Excellence and the highest level of compliance for the Carbon Reduction Code.

SCAPE is part of the National Association of Construction Frameworks (NACF), the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) and Build UK, and in 2023, was awarded the ‘One to Watch’ status by Best Companies.







2nd Floor, East West Building
1 Tollhouse Hill